Saturday, October 18, 2008

22th Painting - The Color of My Childhood



This is the newest painting of Avanti Sunu. Using this painting she became a finalist of "National Teenager Painting Competition 2008". She decribed her imagination about her childhood. She wanted to tell that childhood has dependency meaning to mother figure. Children need to be guide by mothers. She described the dependency by covers all children activities inside of mother pregnancy. She also described it by filament that connected mother with all of his childrens. Although the children has a dependency, she imagined it as a happy and lovely period. She described it using colorfull painting, favourite children games and activities (plays football, celebrates birthday, asks for gifts etc). She described happiness in childhood period by painted happy face in every figure of childs. She also used the colorfull circle outside the body as ornaments and symbol of her most favourite candy. In other side, she described a naked mother and her hand to hold her pregnancy as a symbol of mother genuinity to take care all of his children.

Year: 2008
Media: oil color & acrylic on canvas
Size: 60 x 60 cm
Artist: Avanti Sunu
Price: -

Monday, August 18, 2008

21th Painting - Behind The Forest



Again, her loveliness to the nature brought her back to paint the beautifulness of Indonesia nature on the canvas. This time, she mix her admire and her sadness in one canvas. Her admire to the real figure who act as a volunteer teacher in a wild jungle in Sumatera island, made her to eternalize the figure. She painted the genuine effort of the figure, in the exotic green jungle of Indonesia with so many green color. It also reflected her sadness about education in Indonesia that is obsolete.

Year : 2007
Media : oil color & acrylic on canvas
Size : 60 x 100 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

20th Painting - Better Late Than Never


Keheranan dan keluguannya sebagai anak yang mulai beranjak dewasa tergoreskan di kanvas kecil ini. Keheranan akan mengapa seorang anak kecil harus memunguti sampah seusai sekolah membuatnya berupaya mengabadikannya dalam lukisan ini. Kontradiksi mendominasi lukisan ini. Kontradiksi antara warna gelap akan sampah sebagai latar belakang dengan warna biru langit yang begitu cerah. Kontradiksi akan keinginan sekolah yang digambarkan dalam buku-buku pelajaran dengan sampah yang digendong sang pemulung.

Year : 2007
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 20 x 30 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

19th Painting - Mother


Inspired by her memory to walk around Bringhardjo (famous traditional market at Yogya) she chose to paint this picture. Her curiosity and admire about the spirit of Javanese woman made her to choose to paint a little girl behind the mother. It also reflected her own emotional relationship as child to his mother.

Year : 2007
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 80 x 70 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

18th Painting - The Way of Life



Sebuah potret sosial kembali dihadirkan oleh sang Pelukis. Sisi kewanitaannya yang lembut tersentuh oleh gerakan lamban namun pasti, dari seorang Ibu yang melintas di sebuah jalan. Setiap hari langkah diayun oleh sang Ibu menempuh jalan yang sama dengan beban yang sama, demi untuk menyambung kehidupannya. Sementara orang lain dapat dengan bebas melenggang tanpa beban. Kenyataan hidup itulah yang disuguhkan oleh sang pelukis.

Year : 2007
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 80 x 50 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

17th Painting - Sky Above Djogdja


This is one of the artist explorations in the end of 2006, while she became finalist of “National Teenager Painting Competition”. Her longing to Yogya city, made her to choose to paint situation around the famous Yogya Monument (Tugu Yogya) on the past (a hundred years ago). Those overcast beautiful colors on this painting made us to invent the old-time stories of the magic corner of Yogya city, as one of the lovely cities in Indonesia.

Year : 2006
Media : oil color & acrylic on canvas
Size : 70 x 60 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

16th Painting - Tradition


The spirit of country people in Indonesia gave the artist idea. This is one of her sympathy to them. We can see the tradition that happens everyday, when country people go out from their country to the promising city. The artist also captured the beautiful environment in the country. We can see so many tropical plants and trees. This painting was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kusuma.


Year : 2006
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 70 x 80 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

Saturday, August 16, 2008

15th Painting - Her Power


This is a portrait of Javanese old woman. She has strong spirit and motivation to give their family life. The artist used black and white colors to represent the old woman two choices in life: working hard or hunger.

Year : 2006
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 80 x 50 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

14th Painting - Hopeless of Aceh


Tsunami at Aceh is one of traumatic event for Indonesian people, including the artist. She tried to capture the feeling of Aceh people by painting one old Aceh man expression. We can see the emptiness of that man by his eye, by his face expression. It seem that there is no hope for him in the future live.

Year : 2006
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 80 x 60 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

13th Painting - Wedhus Gembel


Wedhus Gembel is the popular name of hot deadly cloud from volcano (Merapi Mount in Central Java). In 2006 it made the painter favorite place to paint (Bebeng, near Merapi Mountain) became destroyed. She put herself in the picture of a man who saw the Wedhus Gembel from far away. She hide her sadness by paint the man body from back side.

Year : 2006
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 80 x 60 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

12th Painting - It Stranded


Beach again. In this painting we found one of the beautifulness of the Indonesia seas. So blue, so green. She reflected her desire to swim on the sea by some figure of children play on the beach. This time she also used sponges to paint beside of paint brushes.

Year : 2005
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 100 x 100 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

11th Painting - If


She used pallet method for the first time in this painting. Basically she likes to use paint brushes compared to the pallet method. But we still can found beautiful painting here, because she painted by her heart. Her desire to conserve the forest made her to paint the beautifulness of the mangroves forest on this painting.

Year : 2005
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 80 x 100 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

10th Painting - Yellowish


This is her other painting about the country. Yellow is the main color of the rice plant. She chose to reflect the happiness of the farmer by the yellow color. The artist used paint brushes and some pieces of bamboo to paint this painting. This painting is also her first trying to paint human.

Year : 2005
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 75 x 80 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

Friday, August 15, 2008

9th Photo

Derasnya keinginan untuk mengabadikan keindahan, tidak hanya dituangkan oleh Avanti Sunu dalam bentuk kanvas dan kertas, melainkan juga melalui fotografi. Berikut adalah beberapa hasil karyanya.

"Matahari pun Pergi" by Avanti Sunu 2008

"Lubang Sang Langit" by Avanti Sunu 2007

"Tetangga Seberang" by Avanti Sunu 2007

"Menguning di Pantai" by Avanti Sunu 2008

8th Painting - Free Blue


This is her third painting of the sea. There are two main topics in this painting: freedom and beautifulness. We can see the freedom among the fishes swimming on the sea and the beautifulness color inside the sea. The contrast color made this painting became more beautiful. It is very fresh to see the blue color in the painting.

Year : 2004
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 50 x 80 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

7th Painting - My Country


This is a duplicate of one Indonesian famous painter (Mr. Koempoel) from Eat Java. She chose this painting because of her admire to Mr. Koempoel. We can find the unique view of Indonesia in this painting: mountain, river and sawah (wet rice-field). The difference between her and Mr. Koempoel is the centre of the painting. Mr. Koempoel preferred to paint flamboyant tree as a centre, but the artist preferred to paint a blue mountain and river as a centre. This painting was given to Al Fajri Foundation.


Year : 2004
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 70 x 80 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

6th Painting - Friendship


The painter is a shy girl, but in fact she likes and wants to have many friend. She really needs friendship. She painted two different characters to reflect her profile and her difficulty to find friend. The position of those characters showed that finally she found her everlasting best friend.

Year : 2004
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 70 x 80 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

5th Painting - My Dream


One of the artist favorite films is “Sound of Music”. She was inspired and had a dream about it. She painted her dream in this painting. She used her paradigm as a child who had a beautiful & free dream. We can see the child innocence here.

Year : 2004
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 70 x 80 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

4th Painting - Our Home


This is one of the early paintings on canvas of the artist. She still used a model to make this painting, but she put her imagination about herself and her brother on the painting. Again we found the two contrast colors here, between purple and green. It was so cool to see the combination.

Year : 2003
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 60 x 70 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

Friday, August 8, 2008

3rd Painting - My Blue Ocean


Again, she chose to paint ocean. She loves ocean and beach very much. She painted the beautiful and soft blue color in this painting. This blue color made us feel cool and peace. This painting was sold to Mr. Soepirman Soetarman.


Year : 2003
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 60 x 50 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

2nd Painting - The Silence


The sea is one of her favorites. The interesting aspect of this painting is the impression of peace feeling in our heart, if we see the painting. The emptiness and silence of that sea made the impression appear.

Year : 2003
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 50 x 60 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu
Price : -

1st Panting - The First

This is the first painting on the canvas of the artist. She chose to paint a house as a symbol of the central of her life, her beginning to start her activities everyday. The interesting impression here is her way to paint sky and cloud.


Year : 2003
Media : oil color on canvas
Size : 50 x 60 cm
Artist : Avanti Sunu

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

About The Artist


Seni merupakan jiwa dalam hidup manusia. Seni telah hidup sepanjang kehidupan manusia itu sendiri. Tawa, tangis, sendu, lara, gairah mewarnai hidup, memacu manusia untuk meluapkan hasratnya, juga untuk menghasilkan seni. Sesuatu yang sangat unik, terkadang aneh, sulit dipahami, namun terus hidup dalam langkah peradaban dunia. Coretan, lukisan, pahatan, tiupan, hentakan, semua memiliki makna dalam seni.

Coretan di atas batu, relief, coretan di atas kertas sampai dengan kanvas memberikan arti tersendiri yang terkadang abadi sifatnya.

Sangat mengherankan bahwa coretan manusia mana pun memiliki makna yang berarti. Menyiratkan isi hati, pemikiran bahkan emosi si pencoret. Untuk itu seorang gadis cilik telah memilih hidupnya untuk menumpahkan semua itu ke dalam coretannya. Hidupnya adalah mencoret, menarik garis dan menyemburatkan warna. Ini duniaku katanya. Semua rasa takut, rendah diri dan malu dibuangnya melalui dunia itu. Ini aku, katanya melalui lukisannya.

Avanti Sukmalanu atau Avanti Sunu namanya. Panggil saja dia: Ava.

Kiprahnya di dunia seni belumlah lama. Namanya pun bukanlah nama besar di belantara seni Indonesia. Baginya seni adalah gejolak jiwa, tak dapat dipaksa untuk datang, namun dengan segenap rasa cintanya pada dunia seni ia mampu menorehkan beberapa catatan perjalanan sebagai berikut:

2004, Avanti menjadi finalis di "Asia Pacific Drawing Competition" yang finalnya dilaksanakan di Singapore. Avanti merupakan satu-satunya wakil dari Indonesia.

2006, di usia 13 tahun Avanti menjadi finalis "Kompetisi Lukis Remaja Nasional 2006" (usia 13-20 tahun) yang diselenggarakan oleh YSRI (Yayasan Seni rupa Indonesia), tersaring dari sekitar 375 peserta seluruh Indonesia.

2007, di usia 14 tahun Avanti menjadi finalis "Kompetisi Lukis Remaja Nasional 2007" (usia SMP-SMA) yang diselenggarakan oleh YSRI (Yayasan Seni rupa Indonesia), tersaring dari sekitar 350-400 peserta seluruh Indonesia.

2008, diusia 15 tahun Avanti kembali menjadi finalis "Kompetisi Lukis Remaja Nasional 2008" (usia SMP-SMA) yang diselenggarakan oleh YSRI, tersaring dari sekitar 200 peserta seluruh Indonesia. Saat ini proses final masih berlangsung.

2009-2010, Avanti menjadi pemenang pertama "Wall Magazine Competition" yang diadakan oleh "High End Teen" Magazine. Untuk itu Avanti mendapatkan beasiswa untuk belajar senin di UIC Design College Jakarta selama 2 tahun + 1 tahun di Inggris yang akan diambilnya setelah menyelesaikan SMA nya.

2010, Avanti lolos seleksi pertukaran pelajar AFS dan saat ini tinggal di Italy selama 11 bulan. Sembari belajar sebagai pelajar pada umumnya ia akan bertugas menjadi duta pertukaran budaya Indonesia-Italy, dan menambah wawasannya tentang salah satu pusat seni dunia ini.

Sejak 2004 karya-karya Avanti telah dipamerkan dalam ajang 7 kali pameran bersama, antara lain diselenggarakan di hotel Sahid Jaya, hotel Crowne Plaza, Taman Ismail Marzuki, YDBA Gallery dan Senayan City.