Saturday, October 18, 2008

22th Painting - The Color of My Childhood



This is the newest painting of Avanti Sunu. Using this painting she became a finalist of "National Teenager Painting Competition 2008". She decribed her imagination about her childhood. She wanted to tell that childhood has dependency meaning to mother figure. Children need to be guide by mothers. She described the dependency by covers all children activities inside of mother pregnancy. She also described it by filament that connected mother with all of his childrens. Although the children has a dependency, she imagined it as a happy and lovely period. She described it using colorfull painting, favourite children games and activities (plays football, celebrates birthday, asks for gifts etc). She described happiness in childhood period by painted happy face in every figure of childs. She also used the colorfull circle outside the body as ornaments and symbol of her most favourite candy. In other side, she described a naked mother and her hand to hold her pregnancy as a symbol of mother genuinity to take care all of his children.

Year: 2008
Media: oil color & acrylic on canvas
Size: 60 x 60 cm
Artist: Avanti Sunu
Price: -